It's March!! (did you know that?)
And I feel like it's been ages since I blogged.
And if 2 weeks+ is ages,
then it has been.
We have had some really marvelous weather lately.
Rain, in point of fact.
And 50 degrees.
And all this loverly weather has inspired me to
grab my pencils. All two of them.
And some blank paper that stares back at me,
asking for kindness, and requesting not to be wrinkled up
and thrown away.
Four pages made it!
Those less fortunate were....less fortunate.
My mom is a genius and recommended
this pseudo-clothesline for my wall,
I love it, and it was so easy.
To be 100% truthful, the one on the right was done
several months ago, and was stuck in a stack
of old sketches. It fit my theme perfectly though :)
I definitely think the little girl in the rain is my favorite :)
And now I need your help!
I have room for one more sketch on my line,
and I need an idea!
Comment below with ideas-remember it
has to be umbrella related :)
Thanks for stopping by!