So, we all have family stories that make us laugh.
Like the one where my great-great grandparents were married on a bridge that my great-great grandfather was building. Not that they planned it that way. He was working on the bridge the morning of the wedding, and time just got away from him. So she took the wedding to him, and they were married. That week the newspaper announced their wedding, and the completion of the bridge they were married on.
This pic is of his parents.
My mom found some other fantastic pictures of our family, so I will share a few more.
World War I, a soldier from my mom's side of the family. (not sure who he is, the name is smudged on the back)
My great-grandfather, WWII. This is the one who tried to smuggle a German Shepherd on board the Queen Mary (the troop ship), but they caught him before they left port. He is one of the two men smiling in one of the famous return photos.
This is a picture my great-grandfather sent to his mother. (third from left) His wife is in the photo to the right.
This is what the back of above picture says:
"Belgium- Nov. 1944
Looks kinda real, doesn't it? It's only a pose Mother.
The guy with [the] pipe in his mouth, and the little doll
smiling over his shoulder is me! Martha [his wife] keeps an eye on me.
L to R- Ficarella, Chanaca, Me & Martha, Mackey
Carpenter, and Metialf [sp uncertain] "
Isn't that so awesome? I am very excited!!
Great- Grandfather before the War
Not sure when or where this one was taken, obviously during the war at some point, but my mom and I thought his Bing Crosby hair style was pretty fun looking.
Hope you enjoy this bit of history, thanks for stopping by!