Friday, April 26, 2013

Wild Kratt Vests are up on Etsy!!!!!

Very excited to get these on Etsy finally!!!! 

Here is a link if you want to check them out!!!!!!!

That's all for today folks.
Short and sweet :D

Thursday, April 25, 2013

180 and Genius the Movie

Have you seen these films from Living Waters?! 
I really like 180! This was the first one they came out with, and definitely worth the watch!

Then they came out with this one: Genius
This one is about John Lennon and his band. 
They are both about 30 minutes, and extremely thought-provoking.
If you only have time to watch one, the interviews he has in 180 are so interesting and 
the film is very well made!

Hope you enjoy these films!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ruffle Stuff Skirt

Hooray Hooray! A skirt finally!! I wanted to make this set for my lil sis before church today, so I was up until after 10 last night sewing. I really like how it turned out, and my mom wants me to make some to put up in my Etsy shop. This Ruffle Stuff skirt is made from four different t-shirts. (I save all m y t-shirts that I don't wear anymore for sewing projects because knit is so spendy, but it makes up at least 50% of our wardrobes!)

Here is a pic! I lettuce-edged the bottoms of the ruffles to make them a little more bouncy. When I showed her her outfit this morning she smiled and said, "My wear it Katie?!!!" *sogladyouasked* =D

I made her shirt too, with a chiffon ruffle on the bottom. (See the Princess Joy tag?)

She was so good while I took pics this morning!!!

So natural :) I totally got that shot by accident!!!

Aaaaand here is better pic of the front, I actually remembered the side tag this time-so no seam ripping!!

And the back, I really think the tag makes this skirt!

Thanks Kayla for the Pinspiration for this skirt!! I am pretty sure I am going through a ruffle phase so expect to see more!! 

Thanks for stopping by, now go sew write now!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

No Sew

Well, another post completely off topic of this blog. (what's with that?! I should have chosen a less restrictive title.....)

Anyways, I have news! And it called "There's a brand new baby (hedgehog) at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And here is what little Brutus looks like:

Isn't he so stinkin' adorable?!

(and yeah....we both look half asleep...but who cares?)

(we will talk about the importance of not doing selfies at another time....)

He was just sitting in my hand sucking on my was kind of a weird experience because I was worried his little tongue would get caught. 

His face is so adorable! How can you say no to a little face like that! He is sleeping in the sleeve of one of my t-shirts that I put in his bed, and my dog is jealously sniffing his box. 

(Can a dog jealously sniff?I think so, yes.)

Alright! I am going to do school, and I have a couple extra cool sewing projects cooking in my brain right now (my sis gave me some really super awesome ideas and I can't wait to try them!!!)
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome to My Ramblings

I am very excited to get started blogging, and even though this blog is about my sewing and writing projects, my first post will be about a recently finished mural I did.  Here are some photos as I went along.

I painted the mural on a darker semi-gloss green wall. I used acrylic paints (and I found that the matte looks and stays better on the glossy paint) as you will see, the gloss wall and glossy paint on the plane caused some running on the lowest wing, so I left the rest to dry a bit more before I finished up the decals.

Phase one: I sketched the picture I wanted onto the wall in pencil (no pic because it was impossible to see unless you were a few inches away from the wall). Then, I outlined the plane, and filled the sky. I ran out of the blue I mixed so I added a couple clouds, but I think they add a nice touch!

Phase Two: I mixed a darker blue for the mountains, and painted them in with snow-y caps. I ended up adding a little more detail to these in Phase Three.

Phase Three: Finally done! It took a few hours, and three days total to do the entire mural, and for a first time mural, I think it looks decent!!I chose a P-51 Mustang as my plane, due to the simple silhouette. Plane angles constantly drive me crazy!!

Let me know what you think!